© 2025 Winnipeg Philatelic Society, Web Design By Bison Software

Saturday May 4 to Sunday May 5, 2024

Stampshow 2024, our annual stamp & coin show will be held at the Access Centre (formerly Sunova Centre), West St. Paul. Located on the North Winnipeg Perimeter just West of Main Street. From Main Street, pass the North perimeter and turn left on the first light (Parkview Pointe Drive) about 300ft past the perimeter going North on Main Street. Show times are 10am - 5pm on Saturday, 10am-4pm on Sunday.

Stampshow 2024 - Saturday & Sunday May 4 & 5

Access Centre, West St. Paul

Winnipeg Philatelic Society
Western Canada’s Oldest Stamp Club

Memories of Royal 2013 Royale - Canada’s National Stamp Show

Memories of Royal 2000 Royale - Canada’s National Stamp Show

Logo & Picture Postage Designed by one of our members, Linda Anderson
Royal 2013 Royale, the National show of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada, was held at the University of Manitoba on June 21 - 23, 2013. The theme of the show was the 200th Anniversary of Selkirk Settlers which is now the site of Winnipeg. It featured 270 frames and 24 dealer tables. The show included the annual meetings of the Scandinavian Collectors Club as well as the Canadian Aerophilatelic Society. Our club received special greetings from the current Lord Selkirk of Douglas in the UK as well Kircubright Philatelic Society in Scotland which is in the town where Lord Selkirk was from. A limited number of covers that were signed by Lord Selkirk of Douglas were available. Speakers at the show opening included greetings a direct descendant of Chief Peguis who helped the settlers survive through the first winter.
The seventy-second annual convention and exhibition of the Royal Philatelic Society of Canada was opened, appropriately, by Manitoba’s Lieutenant Governor, The Honourable Peter M. Liba. The Lieutenant Governor, Patron of the Winnipeg Philatelic Society, in his remarks also commented on the value of philately as a hobby and on the fact that the year 2000 was the centennial of the Society. The ceremony took place on the mezzanine floor of the Marlborough Hotel; the eighth floor ballroom was the location of the main show for the RPSC convention and show. A major part of the morning ceremonies was the unveiling of Canada Post’s “Rural Mailboxes” designs. These four colourful stamps were shown to us as they were taken from a large mailbox by the Honourable André Ouellet, chairman of the Board, Canada Post. The stamps were first on sale later that morning at the Canada Post kiosk.
Also speaking at the opening were: · Beverly Barr, president of the Winnipeg Philatelic Society. Ms Barr was presented with a souvenir frame of the Mailbox stamps by Mr. Oulette, in recognition of the work done by members of the WPS in hosting the show. · Roger P. Quimby, President of the Scandinavian Collectors Club. The SCC was co-host for the show and held its annual meeting here for the first time outside of the USA. · Dr. Peter McCann, president of the American Philatelic Society. At the end of the ceremonies the Lt. Governor and the President of Canada Post were the first to have their pictures taken at the "Picture Postage" booth in the exhibition room. The ceremonies were chaired by Rick Penko, who headed the committee that made the show happen.
WPS President Beverley Barr receiving a framed edition of the Rural Mailboxes from the Honourable André Oulette, President of Canada Post
His Honour, Peter M. Liba, the Lt. Governor of Manitoba reviewing the philatelic exhibits with club member Ted Mayo
Present at Royal*2000*Royale are from left to right: Rick Penko (Past President WPS) recipient of the Distinguished Service Award, Charles J.G. Verge (RPSC), Roger Quinby (SCC), Dr. Peter P. McCann (APS) & Keith Spencer (Past President RPSC)
Royal*2000*Royale Judges Front (L to R): Dr. Henrik Mouritsen, Clark Grierson Back: David Piercey, Dr. Peter P. McCann, Richard K. Malott (Chief Judge) & W. (Bill) J. Bailey
Free Admission & Parking!
© 2025 Winnipeg Philatelic Society Web Design By Bison Software

Saturday May 4 to Sunday May 5,


Stampshow 2024, our annual stamp & coin show will be held at the Access Centre (formerly Sunova Centre), West St. Paul. Located on the North Winnipeg Perimeter just West of Main Street. From Main Street, pass the North perimeter and turn left on the first light (Parkview Pointe Drive) about 300ft past the perimeter going North on Main Street. Show times are 10am - 5pm on Saturday, 10am- 4pm on Sunday.

Stampshow 2024 - Saturday &

Sunday May 4 & 5

Winnipeg Philatelic Society

Access Centre, West St. Paul

Free Admission & Parking!