Winnipeg Philatelic Society
Who are we?
The Winnipeg Philatelic Society is the oldest
stamp club in Western Canada. It is the umbrella
organization of The Winnipeg Youth Stamp Club,
The Creative Retirement Stamp Club, The
Scandinavian Collector's Club of Winnipeg and
The British North America Philatelic Society
Manitoba Regional Group. View our constitution.
Where do you meet?
The meetings are held at The Scandinavian Centre,
764 Erin Street in Winnipeg.
When do you meet?
The club meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of
the month 6:30 p.m., except July and August;
the last meeting in June and last the meeting in
What is the Buffalo?
The Buffalo is the official newsletter of the WPS.
The Buffalo is published 10 times a year.
Archived copies of The Buffalo are available
online at this site. Just click on The Buffalo
button to view this award winning newsletter.
Is there a library?
The WPS has an extensive research library
available on loan for two week periods. Reference
books, catalogues and periodicals are available
to all WPS members.
What are the membership fees?
Annual fees are:
Adults $35.00 per year
Spouse $20.00 per year
Senior (65+) $25.00 per year
Junior $15.00 per year
Life Memberships $350.00
Sounds Great!! How do I join?
All you have to do is either just attend one of our
meetings or send us an E-mail to receive an
application. You can also contact us at:
Winnipeg Philatelic Society
Box 1425
Winnipeg, MB.
R2X 1M5